January 13, 2017 Longitudinal associations between case management supportive Services Utilization among HIV-Positive Women in New York City→ January 13, 2017/ Preetika Mukherjee
January 13, 2017 Barriers in the early identification of learning problems in South Asian Families→ January 13, 2017/ Preetika Mukherjee
January 13, 2017 Text message reminders to improve outpatient therapy attendance among adolescents: A pilot study January 13, 2017/ Preetika Mukherjee
January 13, 2017 Parental peer-related attitudes and practices and their link to friendship quality among Chinese American, African American, and Latino youth→ January 13, 2017/ Preetika Mukherjee
January 13, 2017 Analysis of HIV medication adherence in relation to person & treatment characteristics→ January 13, 2017/ Preetika Mukherjee
January 13, 2017 The other side of the model minority myth: Family and peer influence on the psychological and social adjustment of Chinese American Adolescents→ January 13, 2017/ Preetika Mukherjee